Hi Partners,
Let me present you with list of consultants currently available.
Name Primary Skills Total/US Exp Rate
Oracle Apps DBA Oracle APPS Dba 10+ Yrs Open
Oracle Developer Oracle PL/SQL Developer 7 Open
Oracle Apps Functioanl MFRG BOM, WIP, OM, Engineering 10+ Open
SAP WM SAP WM/MM Lead 7 Open
Informatica W SR Informatica Developer 7 Open
Please scroll down or click on the consultant's name for more information.
Please feel free to contact me for additional information.

Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous New Year


Himanshu Ojah
Halcyon Solutions, Inc.
5880 Innovation Drive
Dublin (Columbus), Ohio 43016
Direct: (614)-322-3953
Cell: 614 364 1943
Main Phone: (614)-552-9090 x3953
Fax: (614)-552-9095
Email: himanshu@halcyonit. com
Web: www.halcyonit. com

Consultant List
Name: Oracle Apps DBA - Oracle APPS DBA
Primary Skills: Oracle APPS Dba
Summary: Languages: SQL, C, Cobol

Database: Access, Foxpro, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, Oracle

Operating Systems: Solaris, Netware, Unix, Windows

Application Servers: WebLogic

GUI/Tools: Reports, PL/SQL, Developer 2000, Forms, VERITAS, Visual Basic

Internet: J2EE

Networking: Legato

Rate: Open, Total Exp: 10+ Yrs, Available: Now,
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail
Name: Oracle Developer - Oracle Developer
Primary Skills: Oracle PL/SQL Developer
Summary: Languages: SQL, C, C++, HTML, Java

Database: Oracle 9i, SQL Server, Oracle

Operating Systems: Linux, Solaris, Unix, Windows

GUI/Tools: Pro*C, Reports, PL/SQL, Crystal Reports, Forms, Shell Scripts

Internet: DHTML

ERP: Oracle Financials

Rate: Open, Total Exp: 7, Available: Now, Current Location: , EmploymentRetiremen tSystemSERSHarri sburgPAMaySep.
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail
Name: Venugopala K - Oracle Manufacturing Functional
Primary Skills: BOM, WIP, OM, Engineering
Summary: Languages: SQL

Database: Oracle 8i, Oracle

Operating Systems: Linux, Windows

GUI/Tools: Reports, PL/SQL, Forms, Visual Basic, WorkFlow

Rate: Open, Available: Now,
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail
Name: SAP WM - SAP WM Consultant
Summary: Languages: ABAP

Database: Access

GUI/Tools: Reports, ALE, EDI, WorkFlow


Rate: Open, Available: Now,
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail
Name: SAP ABAP - SAP/ABAP/EDI Consultant
Primary Skills: ABAP, BADI, ALV, BAPI, LSMW, BDC
Summary: Languages: ABAP, ABAP/4

GUI/Tools: Reports, Forms, EDI

ERP: MM, SAP Scripts

Rate: Open, Total Exp: 7, Available: Now,
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail
Name: Informatica W - Sr Informatica Consultant
Primary Skills: SR Informatica Developer
Summary: Languages: SQL, XML, ABAP, C, C++, HTML, Java, Cobol

Database: DB2 UDB, Access, DB2, Excel, MS Access, Teradata, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, SQL Server, SQL Server 2000, Sybase, Oracle

Operating Systems: HP-UX, Solaris, Unix, Windows

GUI/Tools: OLTP, MS Word, MS Office, PVCS, Reports, PL/SQL, Crystal Reports, Forms, Erwin, VBScript, Visio, WorkFlow, Shell Scripts, Test Director

Internet: ASP, JavaScript


MainFrame: Hyperion

DataWarehouse: Power Center, COGNOS, Business Objects, INFORMATICA

Rate: Open, Total Exp: 7, Available: Now,
Goto Top Receive Resume by EMail